
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lumineers minimal preparation Veneers

LUMINEERS are a special type of ultra-thin (comparable to a contact lens) veneers by CERINATE. Just like traditional veneers, Lumineers can reshape your smile or that perfect smile makeover. They can cover gaps between teeth and enhance the appearance of worn down and discoloured teeth.

image of lumineer veneer and contact lens

What is the difference between Lumineers and standard porcelain veneers?

The main difference is that Lumineers are made from a special patented cerinate porcleian that is very strong but much thinner than traditional laboratory fabricated veneers. Their thickness is comparable to contact lenses, and so are often called contact lenses for your teeth. The main advantage of these ultra thin veneers is that minimal tooth prepartion is required i.e very little, if any of your natural tooth structure needs to be removed (shaved or grinded) prior to bonding the lumineers over your natural teeth. As a result the proceedure is often reversible since your natural tooth structure is left intact unlike traditional veneers where a significant amount of your teeth structure may need to be removed. Click here read more about traditional veneers and the procedure involved.

Lumineers are so versatile that they can be placed over existing crown and bridge work, without the need too replace them. They are the perfect solution for stained, chipped, discolored or slightly misaligned teeth.

stained teeth image stained teeth treated with lumineers
The above case study shows slightly crooked and stained teeth treated with lumineers to give a much brighter and symmetrical smile

Can all dentists offer lumineers?

Not all cosmetic dentists offer LUMINEERS veneers since they need to be registered with the company that manufacture them since they can only be made from patented Cerinate porcelain, which is not available anywhere other than the Cerinate Smile Design Studio in the States. In as little as two appointments with your LUMINEERS dentist, you can have a beautifully designed smile that is clinically proven to last over 20 years.

To learn more amout lumineers and visit their website click here.

More lumineers Smiles:

gaps in teeth gaps closed by lumineers
The patient above has some large gaps between his front upper teeth and these have been closed giving a more uniform smile with Lumineers.

badly worn and tetracyline stained teeth tetracycline stained teeth treated with lumineers
The above patient was suffering from worn teeth, with gaps and staining caused by tetracyline antibiotics. This type of staining is difficult to remove with whitening or hygiene treatments. A full set of Lumineers has transformed the smile.

To read questions and answers from the experts about Lumineers click here.

For a list of cosmetic dentists that offer lumineers in your area please click here.

Click here for the latest news on dental veneers

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